I feel like my whole life, various people have told me over and over that I should serve a mission. And it always was a "well, if I'm not married, that'd be neat." When in reality, it scares the living you know out of me. To share something so sincere and close to my heart with complete strangers, risking being shut down, would truly break my heart. Well, the past week or so, I realized: Who am I to withhold THE most sincere and the one thing that is closest to my heart from those who have not experienced it? It's pretty selfish, if I do say so. I love this Gospel more than anything on this earth, so why would I want to hide it? Well I'm not.
I have made my decision: I want to be a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Therefore, I have chosen to serve a mission. :)
I have 1 year and 9 months to prepare. And I cannot wait! I'm pretty sure I am more excited than most boys are that are leaving within the next few months...
Also, another thing I have realized is how truly blessed I am to have the great friends I do. I have a handful of amazing people that I call my best friends, even more than I call my family, and so many friends that brighten my day everyday that I can't even count. So, since I am feeling so grateful... I'll write a little tribute here for you all to see. :)

My family is hands down the best. Every single person in this picture has helped me to be where I am today. Whether it's talking to me and being there for me while I faced the hardest times of my life, being examples to me, making me laugh until I literally pee my pants, cry because they have touched my heart, every single person in this picture has made a very large impact in my life, and they probably don't know it. I would have to write a book if I went to into specifics about each person, because they have all done so much and I think so highly of every single one of them. One person has been added to the family since this picture, Mike Harris. And my dad, Rubin Rodriguez, is missing. These two have both influenced me a lot.

My dad has truly taught me the most in my life. He taught me to be a hard worker and to always do my best, no matter what. He has taught me to be tough and to stand for what I believe in. He has taught me to be forgiving and to have compassion, always, no matter who it is. He has taught me to always give others a second chance, because nobody is perfect and everyone is learning while they are going through this life. My dad taught me that the atonement was for everyone-not just for me. I learned the importance of getting over grudges and the importance of having a family. I learned that everyone can change, even when you least expect it. Some of these things came from example, some did not. But I learned them the most from this special man, who will always have a very special place in my heart. He is my dad... <3
Now onto my friends... This is in alphabetical order.

Chris Pearson has forever changed me and the person that I am. He has proven to me that there are truly
amazing guys still out there that genuinely care. He is such an amazing example to me and every time I see him, speak to him, or am with him, I see the image of my Savior on his countenance. So, as you would guess, he's the best to be around. :) He has been an amazing friend to me, and truly shows his love for me, always. I am the luckiest person in the world to have him as
my best friend. I know that.

Dani Burnett is not only my roommate, but one of the
most amazing people I have ever met. She is so confident and so sure of herself that I always am wanting to be like her. She doesn't let people push her around, which is another quality I wish I was stronger in. She is
always there to listen, even when it is inconvenient or obnoxious or something that she probably doesn't care about, but she is still always there. She uplifts me when I'm down on myself, and she loves me just the way I am-crazy, messy, insane, sometimes dramatic, and a genuine yo-yo. I couldn't imagine a better roommate!

Hailli Mineer is the biggest
trooper I have ever met. This girl is like an energizer bunny in the sense that no matter what life throws at her, she just keeps going and going and going. :) She is so strong and doesn't let the tumbles of life get her down. She is kind and loving and one of the most loyal people I have ever met. I am so thankful for her and all that she has taught me. She has prepared me for pretty much everything in my life-especially having roommates. I couldn't imagine a life without
my Doug.

The friend that I have stayed the closest with for the longest time would be Jenny Zimmerman. This girl knows me better than I know myself and she
still is my best friend. We have learned so much from each other about everything in life, from boys to school to church to friendship. She has seen me at my very worst, and saw me through to my very best. We hit rough patches, but we always find our way back to each other. If I could do anything for this girl, it would be to repay her for everything that she has done for me. I would be so lost without her and her
constant support in my life. I honestly would not be who I am or where I am today if she hadn't always been there to keep me grounded and keep me going.
Jessica Jeppson would be my other half. We will be old, gray, and incontinent and still be
the best of friends. Words could never describe how blessed I am to have her as my best friend. She teaches me so much, especially about myself, and I am so grateful for her. I can always have a good time with my Jess-it is like having a
sister I never had. She'll always be my number one fan, and I'll be hers. :)
Mal and Tess are like two peas in a pod-and I wouldn't have them any other way. They have become two of my closest friends and the best roommates I could ask for. Some of my best memories are with them-We
ALWAYS have a good time. They have listened to my soap stories and they still love me. I couldn't handle college life without these two.
These are the ones on my mind right now. They're not the only ones I am thankful for though. :) Life is truly amazing and beautiful, and God has made it that way.
Oh, and for an update on my resolutions...I
quit them all except taking a picture everyday and to think before I speak. But, that's something I can live with...for now. :)
Stay classy!
ReplyDeletei love you.
I love you more.
ReplyDeleteEspecially when you tell me about your fights. :)