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Sunday, February 19, 2012


My Inspiration...

  • The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
  • Teachings of George Albert Smith
  • Jesus Once of Humble Birth-Mindy Gledhill
  • What Heaven Sees In You-Doug Walker
  • Attending the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This weekend, I...

Spent all day Saturday, reading this book.
It was the most perfect Saturday I've ever had.

And I gave a lesson in Relief Society on Our Testimony of Jesus Christ.

It was one of the most amazing experiences, and I loved planning and giving it.
I would be perfectly fine teaching Relief Society.

So, a word for the wise:
Accept when others ask you to teach, talk, pray, etc. They were inspired by a higher power to ask you.
And I can guarantee you need it. Always.
Find a good book, and spend all day reading it. It's good for you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Women of God

My inspiration...

  • Daughters of God by M. Russell Ballard
  • Weight Management & Eating Behaviors class
  • Stronger (what doesn't kill you- Kelly Clarkson

Word to the wise: Take an Weight Management and Eating Behaviors class.

I love this class and I learn so much in it. Especially about myself. That's that.

We are all daughters of God; He intended us to be the ways that we are.
 Small. Big. In between.
God does not make mistakes. So we are perfect the way that we all are.

Never, ever make the mistake of underestimating the influence of women. 
There are few things as powerful, 
as nurturing, or as life-changing 
as the influence of a righteous woman.
M. Russell Ballard

Women are bombarded by the media, society, entertainment, peers, everything, with this idea that we need to be an ideal size, look a certain way, live a certain way. The world has all of these ideas of the ways that we should be; it never takes into consideration what God thinks we should be. And why?
Because we, as women, are key for the plan of happiness and in building the kingdom of God. So no wonder Satan wants us to feel belittled, disheartened, and less than what we are. If he can ruin the key player in this big plan, he can ruin everything. 

Love who you are. Love what you are. Love how you are. And keep in mind-God doesn't make mistakes.

Confidence is beauty. Be happy. It's worth it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Inspirations

  • You Don't Know Her Like I Do-Brantley Gilbert
  • Holding Out for a Hero-Ella Mae Bowen
  • Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year-Fall Out Boy
  • She's Country- Jason Aldean
  • Don't Give Up On Me-Jason Aldean
  • I'm In-Keith Urban
  • When You Look Me In The Eye-Jonas Brothers
  • You'll Think of Me-Keith Urban
  • Mormon Messages-The Civility Experiment and Lessons I learned as a Boy
  • One Tree Hill
  • Pintrest
  • Relief Society

Obviously, this semester has been a little harder for me to deal with than last semester.
Not in the scholastic sense, but in the emotional strength sense I guess.
I'm not a pathetic little girl that can't handle being away from her family. I chose to move away, I chose to go to school, and I am happy with my decisions.
I couldn't really pinpoint why I was feeling so down until recently, I took another look at my testimony.

A year ago, my relationship with my Savior was beyond what I ever comprehended it ever could be. And now? I let myself get caught in the ways of the world. I let sleep and classes and fun go before my conversations with my Father in Heaven. I let trying to 'grow up' become more important than helping those who need my help. I guess I let myself let my guard down. Boy, was I wrong to do that.

Prayer works. I know with all my heart. 

Sometimes we fall short, but a simple conversation on our knees will direct our paths. And other's paths to come in contact with ours.

Life is perfect for none of us, 
Rather than being judgemental and critical of each other,
may we have the pure love of Christ
for our fellow travelers in this journey through life.
-Thomas S. Monson

My weight control and eating behaviors class has really got me thinking about myself. About my weight. About my habits. About my feelings. About my beliefs about myself. About everything, really.

I've been through a lot in my life. This influences every single decision I make. Including my physical appearance. And now that I know this, I can fix it.

I'm not a naive girl who doesn't know about all the evils in the world. I'm a smart, strong, and independent girl who knows there are evils in the world-I've lived and experienced a lot of them-I just chose to look past the negative possibilities and admire the beauty in all things.
I guess letting others see my weaknesses sometimes makes me feel like they view me as someone that is much less than what I really am.
So... I am:

  • Strong
  • Independent
  • Cultured
  • Kind
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Cautious
  • Oblivious
  • Free
  • Captive
  • Happy
  • Unforgettable
  • Alive
  • Blessed
  • Gracious
  • A daughter of God
  • And a lot more to come

Who are you?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snap back into focus

My Inspirations...

  • Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)-Kelly Clarkson
  • Ours-Taylor Swift
  • LGA-Wakey!Wakey!
  • You Don't Know Her Like I Do-Brantley Gilbert
  • Over You-Miranda Lambert
  • Amen-Edens Edge
  • You-Chris Young
  • A Woman Like You-Lee Brice

I definitely feel like I've snapped out of whatever the other day was.
Maybe it was a change in attitude. Maybe it was venting to my blog. Or maybe just a change in scenery and coming home. Either way, I am just glad I got over it.
I am so blessed, and I often times look past that. I have a great support system, full of friends and family that back me up and have been there for me no matter what and they still stick around even when I don't deserve it.
My body is healthy, and everything works properly. I am given the opportunity to go to college and to gain an education. I have always had a roof over my head and food to eat.
I may not have a love of my life yet, but I definitely have loves of life. I have loves in my life. Like my dogs and my brothers. I never realized how much I love spending time with them until this last trip home. My dad and my brothers can make me laugh until I fall over. They not only laugh with me, but they laugh at me. They are always protecting me, even when I don't want it. I have always taken for granted the boys in my life; I could not imagine my life without them.
Maybe this is what college does to you: makes you realize how much you have, and how much you appreciate the things in your life.
Recently, I have also discovered the importance of people.
The importance of how we treat one another.  Both behind and in front of them.
I realized that being around others who are degrading allows your mind to degrade as well.
I find myself forgetting to look at the beauty in life,
and the eternal optimist that I acquired through the adversities I faced.
So, always remember that people throw rocks at things that shine.
And make sure that you are not the one throwing the rocks.

To leave you on this note...

I have experienced life. I have a lot to experience in life.

Although I may get down once in a while, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger
And I'll snap out of it, once I get my fix.

Kindness is one of the strongest forces that will get us through this life.

And always remember the quote...
You can tell more about a person by
what he says about others
than by what others say about him.

I just hope that what I say will always speak who I am.

Do it to it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

what do I need?

My Inspiration...

  • Mr. Know It All-Kelly Clarkson
  • Falling Down-Avril Lavigne
  • Consider the Lillies-Allyse Smith
  • Ring of Fire-Johnny Cash
  • Hello World-Lady Antebellum
  • Cowgirls Don't Cry-Brooks & Dunn
  • My Weight Management & Eating Behaviors class

I have been trying to believe the quote in this picture.
I feel like I have been defeated. I feel like I have been suffering. I feel like I'm struggling, losing, and swimming around in the depths.
I know that I have been through a lot harder trials than the ones I am facing right now. I have experienced hell compared to what I am experiencing now. So why do I let myself feel down?
I'll figure it out one day.

New thought for my future:  Addiction Counselor

I have definitely been letting my attitude control me.
Maybe a win from the Jazz will help better my attitude.

A word to the wise... When you feel like you are bursting at the seams, go for a drive. Find a song that makes you feel liberated and strong. Blast it as loud as you want. Sing along. And let the world know how you feel.
I did today. It helped a little. 

But, maybe my true medicine, would be to just see my grandparents. Unfortunately, I know this is impossible. 
I can't just run to my grandma to cry and have her hug me.
I can't have my grandpa's twinkle look into my eyes and tell me everything will be okay, and that I'm worth it. And that I am his granddaughter.
A girl can dream though.

So the countdown begins. 30 days from now and I will be venturing south to see the most important people in my life. 30 days. I can do this.
My family
My grandparents
My roommates
My abled body
The Gospel
My Patriarchal Blessing
Being able to cry

P.S. Mandi Call discovered to me Nutella. I will be fat forever, and I wouldn't care if it is because of that.