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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday?

Throwback Thursday to a year ago today when I entered the Missionary Training Center (against my will, mind you).
February 20, 2013
I dreaded going to the MTC that morning.
My nerves got to me, and I begged my mom not to make me go.
I hadn't eaten in almost a week, nor slept, nor stopped crying.
The adversary definitely was trying very hard on me,
and he might've succeeded
if it wasn't for my incredibly strong mother who knows me better than anyone
and my first father's blessing from my sweet dad.
I will be forever grateful that I went through the motions and went.
(Even if I only consented to going because my mom said I only had to go for a week...
Which meant none of my family got a hug goodbye,
because I thought I'd be back in a week.


Being home for the past 2 weeks has of course been accompanied by many thoughts.
My mind is continually running.
Worrying about the people in my areas,
My Savior and His Atonement,
My body and my health,
My companions,
My family and loved ones,
And concern that I am doing all the Lord intends for me to do at this point in my life.
I spend a lot of time in the temple,
a lot of time on my knees,
and a lot of time just watching life.
Being in the field, I guess I forgot how wicked the world truly is.
I forget how strong the adversary seems to be,
and how hard he truly tries.
All we focus on as missionaries is how strong the gospel is,
and how much love our Heavenly Father has for His beloved children.
The gospel is stronger than the adversary.
And God's love is able to penetrate anything,
especially the deepest of doubts that Satan tries to place in our minds.
The sucky part about reflecting on the past year
Is to see the hold Satan still tries to have on my mind.
I'm not gonna lie...
I Facebook stalk and Instagram stalk people all the time.
So of course, my self esteem has taken a nasty blow.
Not only did I have to come home early because of my health,
but I also became a balloon Sister Rodriguez while in the field.
For some silly reason, I thought I would come home from my mission all thin and fit.
Silly girl.
Missions are to serve the Lord and give your all to Him and to His children.
Of course I obey mission rules-exercise every day, stay on a missionary budget, sleep for 8 hours, etc.
Now that I'm home, all I want to do is get up, work out, eat like a maniac, reach my goals.
Given my current health situation, that's not always super likely.
I get exhausted just walking up and down the stairs at my house,
let alone sweating it out with Jillian Michaels.
Our bodies are precious gifts.
Satan strives to break us down in regards to our bodies.
Because he doesn't have one!
I love what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has to say
about us and loving our bodies, and who we are.
                   Click Here
We are made in God's image.
I don't know about you,
But that is a pretty amazing statement and fact.
God's image.
We are made after God Almighty.
That sounds pretty perfect to me.
Although we may not feel we measure up sometimes,
Our hair isn't long enough,
Our foreheads are too long,
'Too curvy'
Not skinny enough
Too skinny
Too many freckles
Small eyes
Big eyes
Not muscular enough
Small bust
Big nose
Small mouth
Big mouth
Thin eyebrows
Too religious
Not smart enough
Unattractive laugh
Big ears
Bad skin

And the list goes on...
God made us the way He intended us.
It may not be the way the world intends for beauty or perfection,
but God doesn't make mistakes.
The flaws we may feel we have are what our loving Heavenly Father intended us to have.
And who ever said that Heavenly Father saw them as flaws?
So in my pity parties that I tend to have every day,
especially when all I want to do is take my dogs for a walk around the block but I can hardly move my legs by the time I get my shoes on and their leashes on,
I am going to take into account what my Heavenly Father sees first.
Not what the world sees.
Now, it's what I see.
And certainly, not what Satan sees.
I may not be all that the world wants,
But I love who I am,
Because I know that God is shaping me to become who He designed me to be.
The only perfect thing about us is the love that the Almighty has for us.
Our lives go perfectly according to plan,
As long as we take into account the plan that our Heavenly Father has created for us.
The Plan of Happiness leads to happiness.
Why not make it the plan that we follow?
After all, that is what we strive for in this life
Adam fell that men might be;
and men are that they might have joy.
2 Nephi 2:25
The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket;
they are those who,
while in the pursuit of worthy goals,
discover & treasure the beauty and sweetness
of every day moments.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf



Saturday, February 15, 2014

The best year of my life, and more

My inspiration...
  • I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
  • You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) by Josh Groban
  • Families Can Be Together Forever by Primary Songs
  • As Sisters In Zion (New Lyrics) by Janice Kapp Perry
  • I Love To See The Temple by Primary Songs

My blog has epically failed at being updated, thank you to Rielyn. Sorry about it.

My year in the mission field has been the best year in my life, as well as for my life. I have learned more about myself and my Savior than I could have any other way. And I'm not done yet.
I have learned that I can love, and that I am lovable.
I am My Father's daughter.
Everything happens for a reason, and all things for a purpose.
The Gospel brings true happiness-that's a fact.
Jesus Christ is real.
God is Almighty.
The Book of Mormon does save and change lives.
Prayers are always answered.
Blessings come by obedience.
We show our love for God by our obedience to His commandments.
Love doesn't hurt.
It is possible to forgive continually.
Loving others isn't conditional.
Miracles do happen.
The things that mattered to me and were important to me a year ago
aren't the same things that matter now.
Everything has a different meaning.
I'm a different person-I am exactly who I want to be.
Humility has allowed the Lord to make more of me than I could make of myself.
I love my mission.
I love my Savior.
I love my people.
I love the Dakotas.
I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I love the scriptures.
I love my family.
I am in love with who the Lord is making me.
Here's the deal-yo why I'm home for 2 months:
In July, I got sick with female issues.
Little did I know, I also got CMV
; a virus in the herpes family
; mono like symptoms
Somewhere along the line,
I also got mono.
Since I'm stubborn, I just kept trying to push my body.
After not being able to keep food down, ulcers in my throat,
and completely exhaustion,
I was informed I was going home to heal.
(Also, get my tonsils removed.)
7 months of illness has really kicked my butt.
But the real reason the Lord brought me home is to help my family.
My mom is going through the temple,
and I get the blessing of being her escort.
Mosiah 4:9
Believe in God; believe that he is,
and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth;
believe that he has all wisdom,
and all power, both in heaven and in earth;
believe that man doth not comprehend
all the things which the Lord can comprehend.
I'm home for many reasons, and I'm still an instrument in the Lord's hands.
20 month mission-piece of cake!





Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ,
the Son of God.
I have been called of him to declare his word among his people,
 that they might have everlasting life.
3 Nephi 5:13