My inspiration...:
- If You Hie To Kolob-Sarah Morgann
- In the Strength of the Lord-Jenny Phillips
- The Living Proof- Mary J. Blige
- Holding Out For A Hero-Ella Mae Bowen
- Best Thing I Never Had-Beyonce
- a big little life-Dean Koontz
- My Scriptures
Now that I have successfully completed a full semester of college, I have lived on my own for 5 months, and I have loved almost every second of it, I have figured the do's and don't's of life. So far.

In all honesty, I came to Snow College because I was tired of the life I lived in Farmington. I was tired of being the fat girl, tired of being single, tired of being the oldest child, tired of doing things. I was genuinely tired. So, I moved out with the expectations that I would 1) not be fat anymore, 2) find my prince charming to sweep me off of my feet, 3) become the absentee child because I lived away from home. 4) I thought I wouldn't have to do things, and I thought I would gain this newly found love for life.

Whelp. Here I am, 5 months down the road. I have lost 7 lbs. (only on a good day), I still have not found my prince, I'm still the oldest child, I do more living on my own than I did living at home-the only difference is it is for myself, not for my family.

But I did accomplish one of my pre-blindly-planned goals-I gained a new love for life. The things I've learned are worth so much more than what I thought I would experience. I learned that I didn't come here to find my happily ever after-I came to find myself. I realized I don't need a
boy to make myself happy or to make my life worth while. I know there are imperfections, in which I have caused, but there are ways of altering these imperfections. I love my family so much more now than I ever thought I could. I learned there will be contention and confrontation in life, that you have to deal with face to face-not over a text message. And you still have to live with that person. The beauties and goodness in others is so much more apparent to me. Life never was all about what I planned, but all about what
my Heavenly Father had planned. And it is going according to
his plan-I know this now.
My advice:
- Find a good group of friends. Ones that can make you laugh so hard that you literally almost pee your pants. That you can feel completely comfortable with, and that share the same values as you. Friends that are always kind, even when your jokes might not be as kind. Find friends that you can be yourself with, and they will be themselves as well.
- Do things that will uplift you. Don't experiment with stuff that you know is stupid. Just because you're on your own, doesn't make those things any less stupid than they were when under your parent's supervision. Your friends will play a huge role in this.
- Never take your worth for granted. You are always worth it. Always. You wouldn't have been given this life if you weren't.
- Start a good book. There is no way to better pamper yourself than to relax, let your hair down, and let your mind soar. Whether or not you pay attention to the words and details on the page is entirely up to you. You'd be surprised the things in your brain that just need to be let out and lived.
- Sing at the top of your lungs. At least once a day. And try once a week to do it with your best friend. It doesn't matter who hears-for those fortunate ears that hear your love for life through belting a song out, it might just be the inspiration for that day. Laugh until it hurts. Nothing relieves the stresses from life better. Look for the best in others-it makes everything a whole lot easier. And last of all-live YOUR life. And your life only.
Do it to it.
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