Dani Burnett
This is the ginger. She is from South Jordan, and she went to Bingham High School (yuck!). She was a wrestling manager, and she is going to make us go to all of the wrestling meets that are near Ephraim. She wants to be married, so here she is boys! :) She is a really great friend and we hang out a ton! She can't handle sitting still or being in our apartment for too long, so she tends to randomly leave. She is too short to climb over our banister on our balcony, and she needs a chair to reach almost everything in our kitchen. Oh, and she likes power tools!Trisha Oyler
Trisha here is from Wayne County! I still have yet to find out where that is, but she is from a little town called Torrey. Her whole county went to her high school, and she had a whopping 31 kids in her graduating class! Trisha came with all the necessities I would need to bake, so without her I would be so lost. She has the best smelling perfume, so I love following after her in the bathroom. :) She is so sweet and so kind, she has such a big heart and whoever gets her heart will be so lucky. We love Trisha!!Elisha Braithwaite
This is the roommate that I knew before I came down. She is from Kaysville, and we went to high school together. The end.
Just kidding!!! I love Elisha! In case you can't tell, she gets burned anytime any part of her body is exposed to the sun. :) She loves photography, and loves is an understatement. Her things are always organized, and I'm pretty sure by now she is ready to strangle me when my stuff is everywhere. So she motivates me to keep my stuff all cleaned up and organized. She is so patient though. She not only lives in the same room as me, but she is so respectful about my religious stuff (like my Jesus pictures everywhere, praying at all hours of the night, reading my scriptures late at night, etc.) and she has even experienced all of my talking in my sleep and my farting. She is definitely a trooper! :) She also is understanding when I have my homesick melt downs, and I just love her!
Mallory Bond
Now for a bit of a height jump to Mal that is 5' 9" of pure beauty. This is my child. She always calls me mom because I know how to cook a few amount of things, and I cook her food. :) We have a great relationship! This is my only fellow die hard Ute fan in my house, and we are sticking together for the Holy War coming up this weekend! It's even on our sliding glass door to show to everyone. :) Oh yeah! Mal is from Mapleton, somewhere by Springville. She was on Student Council at Springville High School. She loves tennis, and one day she'll teach me how to play or even understand it. She shares my love of Friday Night Lights as well, so we watch that every night. (And we got the rest of the roommates hooked!) Mal also introduced me to these Strusel muffin things, and they are truly heaven. We devoured a whole batch, so we try to stay away from making those. Tess Alleman
Now for the tallest of the bunch, Tess is a whole 6' tall! She is so so tall! Tess is a really good speller. :) She is good at spelling her name, and she has a big, beautiful mouth, full of beautiful teeth! Tess is a runner, and she ran the Red Rock Relay last week and ran like 19 miles! She is such a trooper. She was on Student Council with Mal at Springville High School, and she played tennis and basketball for the Springville Devil Hellion things. :) Unfortunately, Tess and Dani like BYU so there is a wedge between the house. But we love them anyways. Tess makes me laugh harder than probably anyone, and she is just so sweet! She always asks if I'm fine, and I just love it! Tess has a special place in my heart, she is a true sweet spirit.P.S. Tess' whole family is super tall! Her dad is like 6' 8" and her brother that is 16 is like 6' 5"! We all want her brother, Quinn, but she will kill us all if we say anything or do anything, so... No bueno.
Well, those were my roommates! I love them all so much! It feels like we've all been good friends for our whole lives. I couldn't imagine any better roommates. :)
This week we made pancakes for dinner on Monday and invited two neighbor boys over, Mitch and Dylan. Then we watched the Ringer, and holy heck that is the funniest movie I've ever seen! I was kind of iffy about it at first because I didn't like the whole making fun of handicapped people, and it really made me miss my boys from Peer Tutor, but it had a good twist so I was able to like it better. :) We have watched Friday Night Lights every night, so nothing exciting really happens. Me and Dani donated blood Tuesday and we both felt so sick after. Then last night, we had half naked boys running through our apartment and showing up on our balcony, which we didn't mind at all. :) But, I was ready for bed, so I kind of avoided them so they didn't see my grossness.
I need to go to bed and read my scriptures, so here are some pictures of my week!
My mom's car. It was made for her.
Making our pancakes and hashbrowns, which Tess burned and made into mashed potatoes.
After donating blood. :)
Proof that my room was cleaned, and cleaner than my roommates! It was a first. I organized everything and stored tons of stuff. It looks nice. :)
I also cleaned my side of the bathroom and put some of my stuff away. Doesn't it just look so nice and clean? :)
Thank you Liv! I love it. EXCEPT the fact that you roomies think you have dibs on Quinn. Uh huh. Tess knows he's mine. Ha ha ha ha ha oh boy. Love you mama.