- I Know That My Redeemer Lives by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
- I Need Thee Every Hour by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
- Priesthood Blessings
- Answered Prayers
- Hard days
- Crying to those whom you know care for you

Sometimes, life has a way of turning itself completely upside down.
Sometimes, life decides to throw things in your direction.
Sometimes, you get blindsided by the inevitable.
Sometimes, things don't go as planned.
Sometimes, things are hard, and bad things happen.
Sometimes, things are easier to endure.
There is always beauty and goodness. Everyday.
I know this to be true.
We chose our trials.
We chose what we would experience.
The infinte love of our Savior is our guide,
our light,
and our way to endure this life.
"And now, after the many testimonies which have
been given of him,
this is the testimony, last of all,
which we give of him:
That He lives!
For we saw him,
even on the right hand of God;
and we heard the voice bearing record
that He is the Only Begotten of the Father
That by him,
and through him,
and of him,
the worlds are and were created,
and the inhabitnats thereof
are begotten sons and daughters of God."
D&C 76:22-24
My Savior is my best friend.
He has carried me through the hardest, darkest times of my life.
He has celebrated with me, rejoiced with me.
He has cried with me, hurt with me, and comforted me.
He has laughed with me, smiled with me.
His embrace is truly the most remarkable touch I have ever felt.
I know that my Redeemer lives.
I feel His presence in my life daily.
I know that my Savior loves me.
His Priesthood is one of the greatest gifts we have been given.
I am a disciple of Christ.
I always will be.
And in 24 days, I will have a badge that says so.
To all who suffer--to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely--I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in. Never surrender. Never allow despair to overcome your spirit. Embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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