Anybody else have bad days? Bad weeks? Bad months?
Usually, everyday has a bad minute or two. Some have a few bad hours.
And despite all of this-we have such a beautiful life! Life is beautiful because we are God's children, and He loves us.
I feel like when my life has consecutive moments that are particularly more stretching than others. I get caught in that trap of beating myself up, feeling like I'm less than worthy of anything that could be good.
It's incredibly discouraging when we become so spiritually blind that the things we know deep within ourselves are silenced and ignored. This can happen to all of us-regardless of our spirituality or activity in the Gospel. Satan sees these weaknesses and sneaks in when our guards are down, even for a second, and causes as much damage as possible. It is the same in any instance when we let our guard down in those moments when we choose not to listen to a prompting from the Spirit, or forget to read our scriptures, or lose track of our conversations with the Lord. These instances are what Satan waits for, when he sneak attacks.
What do we do in moments like these when we become spiritually blind to our true and infinite worth?
I can't imagine my life without this temple. I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by temples, and even if I don't have time to participate in an ordinance, I can sit on the grounds.
Every hour of my day is planned with working full time + overtime, institute, volunteering, working in the temple, and starting school, along with training to run the Ragnar Wasatch Back this June.
In a busy, hectic schedule,
there is nothing more healing and peaceful
than my time with the Lord.
In the time that I dive into the scriptures,
the long conversations I have on my 45 minute drive to work/home with Him,
and the time I spend working as an ordinance worker,
it allows me to remember:
life doesn't need to be so busy when I'm with Him.
I am always anxiously engaged in something, but being engaged in heavenly things brings me closer to my Heavenly Father.
Remembering and knowing our Father in Heaven is the greatest way to regain spiritual sight in the most important of things: Remembering who we are, and our worth to Him.
If Satan can gain control of us by making us think we can't accomplish what we were sent here to do, then he can make it that much harder for Heavenly Father's work to come to pass. And Satan knows that. But what he also knows, is that we are stronger than him. We have what he will never have-we have bodies. Bodies that he and his angels target and criticize and abuse because they can never have them, and they want the power that we already possess.

Alma 36:3
And now, O my son Helaman (O my daughter Olivia),
behold, thou art in thy youth
and therefore I beseech of thee, that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me;
for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God
shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions,
and shall be lifted up at the last day.
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