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Monday, October 12, 2015

Because we're different||

I had really good intentions to study and get some homework done tonight...
this is where I ended up.

I have lately been obsessed with the Divergent series, which I will highly recommend to anyone looking for a good read. looking for inspiration. and looking for a reality check of how we sometimes think, feel, and act.
Throughout reading this brilliant story, I have realized, and I think certain world events have helped to stir these thoughts as well, is the importance of how we treat one another. 
I feel like everywhere I turn, there is criticism. 
Assumptions and attacks are made every day 
because of the differences between race, sexual orientation, religion, and even if we wear white pants after Labor Day.
 (I definitely feel that heat when I wear my white capris on a 90 degree October day)

Sorry if I spoil anything regarding this book series, but in Allegiant, a lot of emphasis is placed on those that are genetically damaged versus genetically pure. Throughout this whole part of this story, I couldn't help but relate that discrimination to how the world is becoming today.

I am a Christian. 
I am a very active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 
I will never deny that fact, and I consider my membership one of the greatest blessings in my life. And guess what
I have friends that are not LDS. 
Crazy thought, huh?

I have friends that are less active Mormons. 
I have friends that drink, smoke, and gamble. 
I have friends that are straight, and I have friends that are gay.
I have friends that are active members of the LDS faith, but fall short.
There are people that I love very much and hold very close to my heart 
that are battling with addictions to alcohol, drugs, pornography, and Netflix. 

I have wonderful examples that show me daily what real Christlike love is
and they have not set foot in any type of a church in years.

I attend my church meetings, 
study the Bible and Book of Mormon, 
and I worship in His holy temples. 
Those things alone will not save me and my salvation
-how I apply what I learn in these commitments do. 
Whether others are Mormon, Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, or atheist; republican, democrat, or neither; addicts or sobriety lifestyle; married or single; straight, bisexual, or gay: each and every one of us is a precious child of God, and He loves each of us equally.
There seems to be a caution that because others participate in activities contrary to our beliefs, they should be embarrassed, ridiculed, or ignored because they're beliefs differ from our own. Whether those activities include being active in a religion when you're not/are not religious when you are, support a certain political party, or have a belief you do not understand. Recently, I have heard unkind, offensive, and frightening things said regarding Christians, and Mormons specifically, without those individuals knowing me and my story.
These make me think what happened to create this hostility and criticism of my religion and beliefs that ultimately teach kindness, care, and obedience to God's commandment to love one another, as I have loved you love one another. John 13:34

I am not condoning sin, as God has laws which He has created for our own good and benefit. 
I have many frailties and sins that I myself have to overcome, 
as well as everyone else. 
But I am not responsible to dictate punishment (thank heavens, because I would be really hard on myself!)
And here's another cool fact: God loves them, and He loves me. His laws are unchanging, but so is His love-it is always there. He has made it very clear to me, as well, that the most important thing is that I love them too. 
I have come in contact with many different types of people in my short 23 years of life. 
I have been raised by many different circumstances and situations throughout this time, 
and I have come to learn more about my God because of these differences. 

As a member of the Mormon faith, I am taught to love, show kindness, and teach by persuasion. Jesus Christ taught this in His word and deed. 
In all honesty, I am terrified to face my God if I do not live in a way that He did-especially when I claim to represent Him and His name based off of the covenants I have made.
The fear of another's sins rubbing off on me is not a reality because I know whose I am, and who I am, and who I stand for
I have my own sins to correct and resolve, that to notice and judge another's sins and actions is too exhausting, and is not for my finite mind to resolve. 

In the grand scheme of things, it's not about who you insult, avoid, or criticize in order to make your point that Christ is the way
Your words, as well as your actions, reflect who you follow. 
It's about who you loved, served, and comfort that shows that Christ is the way. And I hope and pray I will always be caught in the act of showing kindness when He comes again... 

So let's be kind with our words, whether spoken verbally or expressed on social media. Let's show love amidst trial and hardship, regardless of how those trials and hardships came about.
Be kind.
Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
-John Watson

I love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ. I am weak without them, and they show me unconditional love, mercy, and kindness. I am His daughter, and as a disciple of Christ, I am striving to exemplify the love and genuine kindness He has for others to the best of my ability. 

Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of y God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.
Alma 26:12

Sunday, August 2, 2015

[As of lately]

 Obviously, summer semester killed me. My last blog post was right before the semester started... sorry about it.

This summer has been a blast and a half.
My best friend got married...

I went to New York for my first time...
I ran Ragnar..

I went back and visited my beloved mission...

My mission president and mission mom came home,

And I was reunited with many mission friends.

I have had a summer full of blissful moments, and experiences that have made my heart so incredibly happy. A happiness that I've been longing for.
But these moments were somewhat fleeting. They were moments that I have found myself clinging to, clinging to that happiness and joy.

I'll be the first to admit I have a pretty good life.
I have a great job that I love.
I'm in school, doing what I love-learning.
My family unconditionally loves me, and I them.
I am blessed with great friends, who are truly gifts from God.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Christ's church that is restored on the earth.
Unfortunately, the order in which I listed these blessings,
is the order in which my time is prioritized too.
I have noticed that my concerns have been more focused on resolutions at work, rather than resolutions in my salvation.
I stay up late to finish assignments and tests, and quickly read my scriptures before bed; rather than getting up early to study my scriptures.
I call my mom on my way home from work, but sometimes forget to say my morning prayers.
Because of conflicting schedules, I get to hang out with my friends once in a while. And as of lately, my temple attendance has been as infrequent.
...Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.
Jacob 4:14
In no way has my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ disappeared,
but feasting on the words of Christ has not been a priority in my schedule.
My worship in the Lord's house has fallen behind my 'worship' of my job, social media, homework, and sleep.
I have been asking the Lord for things I want, but not fulfilling my part for the things I need.

There is no greater calling, no greater challenge, and no greater source of joy—both proximate joy and ultimate joy—than that which is found in the process of discipleship. This process brings its own joys and reassurances. We must not, however, expect the world to understand or to value our discipleship; they will not. In a way, they may admire us from afar, but they will be puzzled about the priorities resulting from our devotion.
Neil A. Maxwell
Wherefore, we must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,
having a perfect brightness of hope,
and a love of God and of all men.
Wherefore, if ye shall press forward,
feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end,
behold, thus saith the Father:
Ye shall have eternal life.
2 Nephi 31:20
I've come to realize in the past couple of weeks that the reasoning for these fleeting happy moments is because I am not living in a way to solidify happiness. Is it really that hard for me to give myself to the Lord? When He is willing to make so much more of me?
The Lord loves us, and He truly wants us to experience the joy that never ceases. And I'm eternally grateful for the Lord calling me to repentance, and helping me realize how important He really is.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

||He loves us, so we must love Him in return||

'There are songs in everyone, and God can hear every one of them.'
:The Emma Smith Story

I've been reminded lately of the immense love that our Father in Heaven has for us.
While serving in the temple last night, I was overcome with the sacred love that God has for His sons and daughters.
Reflecting on the beautiful ordinances and covenants we make in the temple, as well as the promises given to us, I was reminded of the celestial importance which Heavenly Father has placed on our souls, and our bodies.
I get so frustrated with my body, as I'm sure many of us do. Everyone wants to be loved, and valued, and feel of worth. And that's okay, because God loves me anyways.
He loves my soul,
       my heart,
               my mind,
                       my perspectives,
                             my imperfections and strengths-He loves me, in all of my forms.
He loves me with a love that I am too weak to comprehend.

I fear some of us try to put Telestial perimeters on a Celestial Being, as I know I do.
I tend to think of Telestial limits to place on my God, who is not of this world.
God has divine insight, as He is the divine craftsman of us all.

Since we are products of a Divine Being, we also have divine potential
And luckily, God loves us-even when we hold ourselves back from this potential. 
I think the greatest potential we have is our ability to rise up to bear the burdens placed upon us.

'Strength isn't something you have, it's something you find.' :The Emma Smith Story

And this strength is something we find through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yeah, he trieth their patience and their faith. Nevertheless--whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people. : Mosiah 23:21-22

Alma and his people were under great afflictions, including king Laman forbid the people from praying. Yet "And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts." : Mosiah 24:12

The Lord knows that He asks much of us-He chastens us
to help us to grow and mold into who we came to this earth to become.

And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage. / And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter; and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions. : Mosiah 24:13-14

If God allows for trials and hardships to come, then He certainly will also allow for strength and stamina to be placed within us.
Often times, we are given tasks and trails that are above our own-but they are not beyond the potential which we have to rise to the occasion.

I am certain that the adversity we face is one of the greatest tokens of love which God offers to us in our mortal experience.
He tries us because He knows of our potential to grow into the strength to bear the burdens placed upon us.
He tries us because He loves us, and He loves us despite the weakness and sin we fall into.

The greatest gift you will ever learn 
is just to love, and to be loved in return. 
: Moulin Rouge

This greatest gift is life altering when applied to our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He loves us, and we must love Him in return.

Divine desires (Emma's Blessing in the Emma Smith Story:)
  • I desire the Spirit of God to know and understand myself
  • I hope to perform all of the work that I covenanted to do in the Spirit World
    • That I may be able to comprehend the designs of God without doubting
  • I hope to be able to acknowledge the hand of God in all things
  • I desire with all my heart to honor and respect my husband
  • I hope to be able to retain a place in which God has given me by His side.

Happy Mothers Day to my best friend <3

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Masterpiece with Infinite Worth

I finally have a laptop, which means I can finally update my blog!

Anybody else have bad days? Bad weeks? Bad months?
Usually, everyday has a bad minute or two. Some have a few bad hours.
And despite all of this-we have such a beautiful life! Life is beautiful because we are God's children, and He loves us.

I feel like when my life has consecutive moments that are particularly more stretching than others. I get caught in that trap of beating myself up, feeling like I'm less than worthy of anything that could be good.
It's incredibly discouraging when we become so spiritually blind that the things we know deep within ourselves are silenced and ignored. This can happen to all of us-regardless of our spirituality or activity in the Gospel. Satan sees these weaknesses and sneaks in when our guards are down, even for a second, and causes as much damage as possible. It is the same in any instance when we let our guard down in those moments when we choose not to listen to a prompting from the Spirit, or forget to read our scriptures, or lose track of our conversations with the Lord. These instances are what Satan waits for, when he sneak attacks.

What do we do in moments like these when we become spiritually blind to our true and infinite worth?

 I can't imagine my life without this temple. I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by temples, and even if I don't have time to participate in an ordinance, I can sit on the grounds.
Every hour of my day is planned with working full time + overtime, institute, volunteering, working in the temple, and starting school, along with training to run the Ragnar Wasatch Back this June.
 In a busy, hectic schedule,
 there is nothing more healing and peaceful 
than my time with the Lord. 
In the time that I dive into the scriptures, 
the long conversations I have on my 45 minute drive to work/home with Him, 
and the time I spend working as an ordinance worker, 
it allows me to remember:
life doesn't need to be so busy when I'm with Him.
 I am always anxiously engaged in something, but being engaged in heavenly things brings me closer to my Heavenly Father.
Remembering and knowing our Father in Heaven is the greatest way to regain spiritual sight in the most important of things: Remembering who we are, and our worth to Him.

If Satan can gain control of us by making us think we can't accomplish what we were sent here to do, then he can make it that much harder for Heavenly Father's work to come to pass. And Satan knows that. But what he also knows, is that we are stronger than him. We have what he will never have-we have bodies. Bodies that he and his angels target and criticize and abuse because they can never have them, and they want the power that we already possess.

So here's to this life. Here's to the infinite worth that we will always be able to claim because we are children of God, regardless of what we do. Here's to defeating Satan, and knowing that we will always be worth it in the eyes of the Lord. We have to allow the Lord the ability to remind us of who we are-because He will always be more than willing. We have bad days, we have good days, and we have opposition in all things. But this truly is a beautiful life, and we are a masterpiece in the Almighty God's beautiful plan.

Alma 36:3
And now, O my son Helaman (O my daughter Olivia), 
behold, thou art in thy youth 
and therefore I beseech of thee, that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; 
for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God 
shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, 
and shall be lifted up at the last day.

Friday, March 13, 2015

So I deleted my Facebook...

... Which means that this blog may just go into oblivion because I don't share it on my own page.

So why did I chose to delete Facebook?

Because social media takes over my life. 
Every spare second of my day goes to checking statuses on FB, looking at photos on Insta, or seeing whose life is on Snap Chat. Every second of my day was consumed of work (which is me resolve problems with workers comp claims),
checking on other's people's lives and news feeds,
and every other excuse to not live my own life.

Yes, I still love people in my lives. Yes, I still love my job and what I do.
But I was spending more time looking at other people's lives, and not living my own.
I was content to live vicariously through social media. I, of course, felt sorry for myself because my life hasn't made as much progress, or isn't as important, or I'm not as successful, and the list of insecurities goes on. It wasn't anything anyone said-solely my own thought processes.
And that's not true! None of this is true!
Each and every one of us is making progress-that is the entirety of our purpose here on earth.
We are all important and worthy children of God.
And we are successful. We chose to come here and gained these bodies, and we are here.
There is so much good in the world, and I want to experience it.
And I don't need a social media site to prove that I'm doing something with my life.
I just need me, and whoever is willing to come along for the ride.

[An update on my life: I work at Cardon Outreach. I am a patient advocate that handles workers comp claims for one of our New York clients. I am active in my YSA ward, and I have a calling as the Compassionate Service Coordinator. I volunteer with the Village Project for the Salt Lake County Juvenile Courts. I am training to run Ragnar Wasatch Back in June. I will attend SLCC in the fall. I'm still very single, and I attend the temple weekly.]

For those who miss my positive posts on the FB-here will be your uplifting vibes from yours truly.
So please, share away for those who don't have my blog saved.
And maybe if I start losing weight and sticking to my attempts at lifestyle changes, I'll post that progress too.
Mostly, this is just my life and my journey to loving myself and living the life I was given.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

I am beautiful//

New Year, new goal to not neglect my blog.
Truth be told, the past couple of months have been really rough. 
Actually, 2014 was really rough.
 And I chose to not be gracious and embrace, but I kept blinders on and my heart closed
2014 was a year of healing, of hurting
A year of learning, persevering, and breathing only because it would be harder not to.
I chose to be angry and hurt, 
and I closed off my heart to everyone-including my God.
Along with all of this bogus (because that's what it really was, bogus),
I of course learned the art of hating myself.
And with hating myself, I hated my body.
Which I can tell you right now is the most welcoming situation for Satan and his angels to enter in and reek havoc on the mind and body that God Almighty gave us-not them.

Unfortunately, I have learned and now know that I'm not the only one who has felt like this and had to struggle with this. 
Missionaries returning home
-whether they had to return early, or they served the expected 18-24 months-
face the struggle of the bliss and heartache of missionary work and adjust to real life.
 Pre-mi's will say they want to serve a mission to share their happiness with others. 
But I feel most any one who has served a mission knows 
that the Lord calls us for ourselves
Yes, we serve to bring others to Christ.
 But a mission is the greatest spiritual work shop created. And I want to be a missionary again for my own selfish reasons-to chase and feel that again.
It's not just with missionaries.
It's with the ones who had one negative word spoken about them, probably back when they were 8 years old, that has continued to eat at and grow self-hatred and disgust.
It's the high school girl who can never keep up with the competing girls, and hides instead of blossoms.
Or the high school boy who would give anything to show one of these girls how truly special she is, but is rejected for not being 'her type'.
It's the college student that is going nuts with classes, social life, and being themselves without the safety of their family and their hometown.
It's the young single adults that know that the next step is to get married, but already throwing in the towel assuming they aren't good enough for the best.
It's the newly weds, the not-so-newly weds, and the 'more experienced' ones
who feel unworthy to be married to their spouse, have the children they have, or be who they are.
It's the cancer patients and survivors that fret over their altered body that may be lopsided or different from how it was.

Self esteem is such a large part of our lives
--in fact, it can dictate the entire course of our lives-- 
and we try to ignore and mask it.
 I'll be the first to admit that self esteem has never been my forte
I've been the girl who was called ugly so long ago, and continues to let that unworthiness grow and royally take over my life. 
The happiest I ever have been was on my mission, and I am understanding the reason why.
 I was floating on my confidence in God, and in His message. 
My confidence in my Heavenly Father 
spilled into my own self confidence 
because I was allowing myself to feel His love
and to just be His daughter.
I was content being His servant and submitting my will to His. 
Part of submitting my will to His, was seeing myself as He sees me...
We are nothing without God, so we must involve Him in our being something.

So what do we do with this? What do we do with the fact that Satan is trying with every ounce of energy he has to defeat us and to gain control of our bodies?
To think that Satan has no control when our self esteem is defeated is an illusion.
Our agency and our ability to act and change the world is reflected by how we view ourselves. The greatest way to defeat this feeling is to serve others,
but what do we do when we don't even feel we can do that?

My 2015 resolution, and main goal, is to love myself
It is to understand my worth, my real worth.
It is to find myself beautiful
to find beauty in my life
and to look for and acknowledge beauty in those around me
My goal is to love myself as God loves me
in the capacity that I can being a mortal. 
I have already noticed a difference as I started my diligent pursuit a couple of weeks ago, 
and how my life has changed in that short time. 
My goal is to align my will with God
to gain my confidence in Him
and to respect and love my mind, my spirit, and my body the way that He would have me do it. 
God does love us, He sent His Son Jesus Christ because of that love
And how it must hurt Him that we push that love away and put barriers around our hearts. 
Jesus Christ has already paid for 
the infirmities, afflictions, sins, weaknesses, and imperfections we have
-then why are we continuing to hold onto them? 
Why do we deny the Savior the opportunity to fulfill His purpose by sanctifying us?

We are all beautiful, in our own distinct and unique way.
We are all worthy to be loved, because we have a perfect God who loves us.
We are His children, and we are created by Him.
It's about time we start to grasp this, and allow others to feel this as well.

Special thanks to: the book "why i don't hide my freckles anymore; prospectives on true beauty"
-edited by LaNae Valentine and Lisa Tensmeyer Hansen
