- Endlessly by Green River Ordinance
- Son's Gonna Rise by Citizen Cope
- A Little Bit Stronger by Sarah Evans
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
- Gone Away by Safetysuit
- Open Road by Whitney Duncan
- A Place in This World by Taylor Swift
- Car Rides
Summer isn't quite over yet. But with only a few weeks left, here's a wrap up of my Summer 2012...
1- Just like everyone else who moved away to school, I moved back home at the end of my school year at Snow College. I left behind my home for the past 9 months. I left behind my town that I grew to love. I was separated from my best friends that I made at school, mostly my roommates. I came back to Farmington to live with my crazy, messy, and sometimes loving family. I had to start working again, beginning my countdown to return to Ephraim in the fall...
2-Luckily, I moved back to the same town as my best friend. I kind of expected
for change to take place once I moved back home. I reconnected with old
friends, I lost contact with friends, and I realized who my true friends were,
and who they weren't. I went from a life pretty much free of drama to more
drama, but I learned to avoid it. As hard as it was to move home, it couldn't
have come at a better time...
3- A week after I moved home, I learned to face one of the darker days I've faced yet.
And got a fortune cookie of what the rest of my summer would hold..
I spent a lot of time with my dad at the beginning of my summer...
I became even closer to my best friend...
And my family in general.
A week after I moved home from school, my dad was diagnosed with Stage 3 Metastesized Tonsil Cancer.
4- I worked a lot. When I wasn't working, I was spending time with my family, my cousins, my grandparents, and, of course, my friends. My dad started treatment and has been a fighter through and through.
I went camping.
I went to drive ins.
I traveled to Springville.
I saw missionaries leave
on their missions.
I had missionaries
return home from
their missions.
I had good laughs.
I had adventures.
I have great people in my life.
I now work two part time jobs. I unfortunately will not be returning to Snow College. I am instead finishing my schooling at Weber. Heavenly Father has given me a list of signs for why I should be here, not in Ephraim. As much as it breaks my heart, and I wish things were different. I am actually a little excited for the next part of life ahead of me.
So here I am. Starting a new adventure in my life. I work a real job, and a fun job. I am apart of my family. I have friends. I am a college student. Like most 19 year olds in America, right?
I don't know what I want, so don't ask me. Guess I'm still tryin' to figure it out. Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walkin', tryin' to see through the rain comin' down. Even though I'm not the only one who feels the way I do-I'm alone. On my own. And that's all I know. I'll be strong. I'll be wrong. Oh, but life goes on. Oh, I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world.
-Taylor Swift, A Place In This World