This summer has been a blast and a half.
My best friend got married...
I went to New York for my first time...
I ran Ragnar..
I went back and visited my beloved mission...
My mission president and mission mom came home,
And I was reunited with many mission friends.
I have had a summer full of blissful moments, and experiences that have made my heart so incredibly happy. A happiness that I've been longing for.But these moments were somewhat fleeting. They were moments that I have found myself clinging to, clinging to that happiness and joy.
I'll be the first to admit I have a pretty good life.
I have a great job that I love.
I'm in school, doing what I love-learning.
My family unconditionally loves me, and I them.
I am blessed with great friends, who are truly gifts from God.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Christ's church that is restored on the earth.
Unfortunately, the order in which I listed these blessings,
is the order in which my time is prioritized too.
I have noticed that my concerns have been more focused on resolutions at work, rather than resolutions in my salvation.
I stay up late to finish assignments and tests, and quickly read my scriptures before bed; rather than getting up early to study my scriptures.
I call my mom on my way home from work, but sometimes forget to say my morning prayers.
Because of conflicting schedules, I get to hang out with my friends once in a while. And as of lately, my temple attendance has been as infrequent.
...Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.
Jacob 4:14
In no way has my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ disappeared,
but feasting on the words of Christ has not been a priority in my schedule.
My worship in the Lord's house has fallen behind my 'worship' of my job, social media, homework, and sleep.
I have been asking the Lord for things I want, but not fulfilling my part for the things I need.
There is no greater calling, no greater challenge, and no greater source of joy—both proximate joy and ultimate joy—than that which is found in the process of discipleship. This process brings its own joys and reassurances. We must not, however, expect the world to understand or to value our discipleship; they will not. In a way, they may admire us from afar, but they will be puzzled about the priorities resulting from our devotion.
Neil A. Maxwell
Wherefore, we must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,
having a perfect brightness of hope,
and a love of God and of all men.
Wherefore, if ye shall press forward,
feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end,
behold, thus saith the Father:
Ye shall have eternal life.
2 Nephi 31:20
I've come to realize in the past couple of weeks that the reasoning for these fleeting happy moments is because I am not living in a way to solidify happiness. Is it really that hard for me to give myself to the Lord? When He is willing to make so much more of me?
The Lord loves us, and He truly wants us to experience the joy that never ceases. And I'm eternally grateful for the Lord calling me to repentance, and helping me realize how important He really is.