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Monday, March 26, 2012

Tag. You're it.

1. share the rules.
2. post a photo & 11 random facts about yourself.
11 facts about me:
  • I am a 1/4 Puerto Rican.
  • I am hysterically terrified of cows.
  • I like brown cows. But I'm still afraid of them.
  • My favorite animal is an elephant.
  • I burp when I get nervous.
  • My eyes go green in the sun. And when I cry.
  • My toes are not broken, they just look like it.
  • I eat asparagus every day.
  • My baby brother is my very best friend.
  • I love Gordon Hayward.
  • I talk in my sleep. And giggle.

3. answer the questions asked of you.

1. film you can watch over & over.
Either Remember the Titans, When In Rome, or Something Borrowed. I love all of these movies, so so much. And I have been through periods where I have watched one of these movies, every day, for over a week. They all have special places in my heart. :)

2. favorite novel. favorite storybook.
My favorite novel right now would have to be The Last Song  by Nicholas Sparks. I absolutely loved that book, and the effect it had on me.
My favorite storybook is Where the Wild Things Are. My mom would read that to me every night when she wasn't away for drills. I love the book, so much that I refuse to see the movie for fear it will ruin it.

3. if you could become any celebrity, who would you choose?
If I could be any celebrity, it would probably be Oprah. She has so much money and power, I would use it for good and to better the world.

4. what makes you want to vomit?
Nothing makes me want to vomit. I hate throwing up, more than anything in the world.  So I would hate to be vomitting.

5. something that makes you feel most loved.
My dogs or my grandparents. They both have unconditional, unfailing, and perfect love for me.  I could screw up in every aspect of my life, and they would still be there for me and cheering me on.
My Savior does as well. He is my best friend, and my Savior.

6. first time you realized you were a woman, an "i'm a woman now" moment.
The first time I stood up for myself. It was to my dad, and I felt so strong and free. 
Being women, we have a vital part in our Heavenly Father's plan. And I wouldn't change that for the world.

7. hero.
My hero would have to be my mom. My mom has truly done more for me than anyone ever has or ever will do. She has sacrificed so much for me, and she has taught me so much. She taught me how to love, how to work, and how to laugh. She always taught me that I was beautiful the way that I was, and I could do anything I put my mind to. My mom has always been my biggest cheerleader, and cheers me on in ever endeavor. My mother definitely deserves a cape.
My Savior is beyond my hero. He is exactly that-He is my Savior.

8. favorite summer, wind down activity.
Playing volleyball and watching movies out doors with my family is my very favorite thing to do.
I love my family.

9. biggest dream about the future.
Being a mom. I want to be a mom so bad, and I can't wait until I am given that privilege.

10. peeta or gale. & if you've not read hunger games. edward or jacob. again explain. or feel free to answer both, in fact, please do.
Edward. I love the way that he is totally whipped over Bella, and he will do anything for her. He respects her and he treats her well. I don't care that he's cold. I love that he cherishes her.

11. biggest fear about dying.
Dying a virgin. That sounds like bad news. 

4. ask more questions for those you tag.
1-top 5 people you're closest to. and why.
2-biggest pet peeve. and why.
3-which of the five senses you couldn't live without. and why.
4-what you wish you could change about your current circumstance. and how you are going to change it.
5-favorite band. favorite artist. favorite song. and how each of them make you feel.
6-honest opinion of how you view yourself.
7-one talent you wish you had. and why.
8-dream future spouse characteristics.
9-best compliment you've ever received.
10-when you realized who you were. and what your purpose was.
11-list of 7 things you are most grateful for. and why.

5. & tag others.

Wenus of mine
My Ginger
The Twin
And anyone really.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring :)

My Inspiration...

  • Beautiful weather
  • Sunday School and Relief Society
  • Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon
  • Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute
  • I Need Thee Every Hour (hymn)
  • Wonderwall by Oasis
  • I'll Be (Acoustic Version) by Edwin McCain

I love spring. It is by far my favorite season.

I sit outside, everyday. And read.
How did I get so tan? Reread the above.

In the Hindu religion, they have what is called the Festival of Colors, where they celebrate the beauty of spring reblooming. By using chalk, they literally color everything by throwing it up in the air.

Spring is the time of rebirth. In Ephraim, there is livestock everywhere. Which means there are baby animals everywhere you look. We celebrate our Savior's resurrection. All of nature re-blossoms and the world is made beautiful again.

P.S. General Conference is next week. Listen to a prophet's voice-We're the only religion with a living prophet. Take advantage of your blessings.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

True love...

My Inspirations...

  • The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
  • The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
  • Leap Year-the movie
  • Poison and Wine-The Civil Wars
  • Make You Feel My Love-Adele
  • Time to Pretend-MGMT
  • First Day of My Life-Bright Eyes
  • We're Going to be Friends-The White Stripes
  • I Will Follow You Into the Dark-Death Cab for Cutie

When you're down. When your day is bad. When the world feels as though it is crashing in on you. When you feel alone and ignored. When you feel frustrated or irate. When you are holding on by a thread. When you are happy. When you are sad. When you are wishful. When you are bored. When you have lost all hope in true love.
Fall in LOVE.

He was the toast to her butter.
Nicholas Sparks
The Lucky One

Now, this is not always possible for everyone. Sure, you can fall in love with somebody. But having them fall in love with you isn't entirely up to you. In this case.
Read a book. OR Watch a love story.

All you need is love.

Reading has helped me to discover that even the little things can be noticed when someone is falling in love with you. The little details that make each person unique and fit perfectly with someone else. Like the freckles scattered throughout my body. Or the dimple that only shows itself in certain facial expressions. Maybe even my excited finger dance.
There is such a thing as true love. Don't be afraid to find it.

And. Find....

And as you read, follow Miss Mandi Call's example and mark in your books. I watched as she would read and underline favorite phrases, and I read a book she did this with. I now realize it brings new meaning to the stories you're reading. So, listen to Miss Mandi.

So this is me.
I'm crazy, sometimes lazy.
The little things excite me, as well as the big things.
Simplicity is the key for me.
I'm unpredictable, but I have a path.
I'm confident, yet insecure at times.
But I know who I am.
I know what I deserve.
And one day.
One day, I'll find the toast to my butter.
And even though I might not have it all together,
Together we'll have it all.


If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.
 Nicholas Sparks 
The Choice

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Just as our Redeemer gave His life as a vicarious sacrifice for all men, and in so doing became our Savior, even so we, in a small measure, when we engage in proxy work in the temple, become as saviors to those on the other side."
Gordon B. Hinckley

"As we come unto Christ and journey to higher ground, we will desire to spend more time in His temples, because the temples represent higher ground, sacred ground."
Joseph B. Wirthlin

"Let us truly be a temple-attending and a temple-loving people….Let us make the temple, with temple worship and temple covenants and temple marriage, our ultimate earthly goal and the supreme mortal experience."
Howard W. Hunter

"Temples are places of personal revelation. When I have been weighed down by a problem or a difficulty, I have gone to the House of the Lord with a prayer in my heart for answers. The answers have come in clear and unmistakable ways."
Ezra Taft Benson

"I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you."
Gordon B. Hinckley

Go to the temple. It makes all the difference.
Trust me. I went.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break?

My Inspirations...

  • Two 11 hour car rides with the best friend
  • Road Trip Playlist
  • The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I spent a week with one of my best friends....

While visiting my very best friends-my grandparents.

It was the best Spring Break I've ever had... Besides Hawaii, which I also spent with them.

I am closer to my grandparents than I am to anyone else in this world. When we are in the same town, I spend every day with them. I am with them every possible second. I can tell them anything, joke around with them, cry to them, talk sports with them-everything. My grandparents allowed me to dream. They've never let me down. They have always been my biggest cheerleaders. Without my grandparents, I would not be who I am or where I am today. 

Saying I'm close with my grandparents is a serious understatement

I miss them more than anything. 
One more month until they're back from Arizona.

A word for the wise...
Look for the best in everything-in situations, in thoughts, and in others.
Looking for the negative will only make you miserable.